Its motto is: everything is mind. This Principle teaches us a great Truth that it says:

Whatever you think it is manifested. The thoughts are things.

It is your mental attitude the one that determines all what happens to you.

The mind is a motor. The thoughts are force and energy generated by the mind. This energy comes out from us in waves toward the objective of the thought and those waves return then to us loaded with all the similar energy they found in their way.

If this was a thought of well, positive, this will return and will bring us beautiful things;

if on the contrary it was a thought of criticism or a negative one, it will also bring us the similar thing.

Whatever we sustain in the mind and we energise with the feeling becomes something that get to be part of our life, since these energies are our children, our creations, for which we have used the energy of God (the Divine Presence) that qualifies us to think, to feel and to create.

According to the state of our mind we are constantly creating conditions that then we should live, because we manifest what we think.

If we think that we are healthy and we have the conviction of the feeling that is so, we will only manifest health.

On the contrary if we think that we expose ourselves to get sick with any current of air and we affirm this with our feelings, unerringly this will happen.

If resides in your mind the idea of poverty or the idea of lack as a reality for you, that you will experience; any thing that you expect, be this well or bad, that is what will happen to you. We were born with free will, which means that we have been created with the individual right of choosing... of choosing what? Choosing to think positive or negatively, in a pessimist or in an optimist way. If we think positive we will see this manifested in our interior and in the exterior, if we think negative the same thing will happen.

Here applies the example in which someone sees the glass half-full and not half-empty.  There are two optics, a positive one and another negative, and if we deepen a bit inside our lives, we will see this proven.

We are what we believe we are and what we think we are and our life only responds to those patterns self-imposed.

If we change the erroneous patterns, we change the mistaken concepts; we also change the circumstances of our lives, which will end up adapting themselves to the correct belief. The correct belief is always the Perfection for everything the rest that could show imperfection it is momentary, temporary, therefore is not true.

If a problem arises in our life and we give this condition to God and His beautiful Messengers (Angels, Ascended Masters etc.) we will already be making the correct thing; we will be seeing it in its way to solution.

If we fill our mind of these positive teachings... What will be happening? We will be incorporating Light to our thoughts, to our brains, to our cerebral cells and many of them even sleeping will awake because of the stimulus of the Light of God that we are transmitting them.

If we think or connect our mind with negative, painful things we will be transmitting shades to the cerebral structure that will retard our spiritual awakening.

To attain this goal we need training. It is possible to train the mind to think perfection, rejecting any thought that doesn’t respond to that premise and soon will be the day when we get to live in that perfect world that we have created with the power God gave us.

Whatever we accept in our mind and entertain in our feelings, is what we are incorporating to our being and life, we are giving for granted that it is possible that it happen to us. If it is good, go ahead! If it is not, beware!

Let us clarify now what is that connects us with one or the another thing: the attention.

What it is the attention? It is a Ray of Energy that is connected with the objective toward it is directed by the senses and it attracts toward the being that projected that energy the similar quality of the thing in which the attention has been directed.

Master Saint Germain says, “Where you put your attention, there you are, in that you become and that is what you attract toward your life and experience”.  When setting the attention in a thing, you will be one with that thing being this bad or good. You will be identifying yourself with that in what you have put your attention. When the mind accepts something or agrees with any thing or condition, the being is decreeing that for his world. Whatever you listen to or you meditate on with attention, you will be accepting it, coming to an agreement with it by means of your attention “.

When we allow the attention to be sustained one and another time in the “so called problems”, on ours or on other people's ones, we are incorporating them like part of our life, and here the mind is acting in negative, generating thus negative conditions of life.

What to do then? In front of any imperfect circumstance, let’s polarise our mind in positive, let’s connect ourselves with the Divine Presence, with the Angels or with the Being in whom we have deposited our Faith to demand them the solution. This is to direct the attention toward sources of Light, declaring this way that we only want to attract the Light of God to our lives.

Be careful and don’t sustain your attention in the televised daily-news programs or radial emissions, since at the moment they try to capture our attention to move the emotional vehicle with negative news. If you don't take care and protect yourself perhaps you can be wrapped in their “bad wave” that is not yours, but you might possible incorporate for the power of your attention.

The mind and the thoughts, as well as the attention need education and control.

To choose is our born right, let us then make use of it and let us discriminate all the time in what it’s worthy to occupy our mind or what we should discard so that it doesn't affect our quality of life.

If you really want to improve your life quality, you should improve the quality of your thoughts, don't sustain for more time critical thoughts or condemnation thoughts toward anything neither to anybody, because you will be exposing yourself to receive critical and condemnatory thoughts toward yourself.

The power of the thought it’s not well understood yet. Perhaps this helps you: A thought travels the Earth seven and half times in one second.

It’s clear that a thought affects with its qualification, colour, vibration and sound everything that contacts in its way, the minds of so many unaware beings whom are opened to what passes near their momentary state of energy. Although this produces a disaster when we emit negative thoughts, let us also see the great blessing that we are qualified to emit toward the atmosphere of the Earth if we generate and emit positive thoughts of well, and love.

Then, to achieve this mental state we follow these steps

- To control that only positive thoughts are generated or sustained in the mind.

- To use Violet Flame, which transmutes the tendencies to think in a negative way and the shades, left by negative thoughts.

- To learn to control the Ray of the Attention through the self-control... Where have I put the attention now, what am I connected to?, and immediately to focus the attention toward something good, beautiful and positive.

This will make you feel the energy of your Divine Presence filling your mind and your cerebral structure, waking up in this way more cells of Light what will prevent you from receiving thoughts that are not similar to that State of Light.

Fill your mind with the thoughts these teachings irradiate, read the words of the Ascended Teachers, think, meditate in the Angeles, in the Christ, in the Master, and you will be this way intensely assisted.

Only design in your mind what you want to be reflected in your life, environment, family, etc. Design the idea as a beautiful picture you are painting (energising it, giving life to it) through your feeling, and if you are constant enough as to maintain your attention in that idea, you will see it transformed into a beautiful reality.

Beloved Saint Germain says: “The student that wants to progress quickly in the Light, should not ever fall asleep without sending Love to any individual the student considers has damaged himself. This thought comes out like an arrow and there is not anything that it can stop it and by Heavens Law is returned to the one that has emitted it.”

|Index| |Mentalism| |Correspondence| |Vibration| |Polarity| |Rhythm| |Cause and Effect| |Generation|

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